A New Year For Me

Working on upgrades, marketing, and some other things

Date: 1/10/2023
Category: General

The Rough Start

When I started working on SoulMS back in 2021. I wanted it to be something different from the rest of the "web builders" out there. I did succeed in making it an item management software for websites. Soul Management System, is used to help people (and me) create simple text based articles for a website. I call those Items. I can use items for News, Blogs, and Events. Each one with their own use for the item, but the builder stays the same.

SoulMS runs great, it's easy to use, and works for the purpose what it is. Cool. With is being there to be the back-end for all the websites. The only thing left for me to do is find people who want to use it. SoulMS released in late 2022 and still hasn't found a customer to try it out (other than myself). I've done a little marketing but no bites.

Plans For 2023

With SoulMS being 100% what it needs to be. Websites themselves can just have custom front-end code to help business succeed in whatever they need. My job is to find those businesses. With all of 2022 being about SoulMS, I think 2023 will be about marketing and branding. This I may outsource or do it all myself. Since I am a Web Developer I can do these things myself.

Other than the marketing and branding. I was thinking about creating other platforms like networking sites, or some user driven applications. It would be nice to have a large platform in my portfolio that will show how well I can do my job. Also would be super cool to create some type of community. That would eat up a lot of time and be more of a side project then anything.

At the moment I'm creating templates for websites to showcase on my website. This will help people get a view of what they might expect a website from me to look like. Making designs is a bunch of fun anyway.

Next Steps

Next is to bring more content to my site, do some marketing, and maybe a branding change. I super hopeful for the future. The more time I put into making things for my site, the more my site will stand out (The laws of a website). It may take a bit but I'll be adding new stuff to the site for anyone to look at. Keep an eye out for that.

JL WebServices is here to provide a web service for businesss in Western Mass that's different then just Wordpress or some automated site builder.

- Joey Lawson