About JL Web Services

Let’s start from the beginning. Hi, my name is Joey Lawson. I’ve been a web developer for about 7 years now. I’ve worked at Montague WebWorks as the production assistant to create and deploy websites for their customers. I realized then how much fun it is to provide a web service for the community. When I was let go I started working on my own software that in likeness to other web services like Montgaue or Wix, but stray from the drag and drop idea. Not saying they’re bad in any way.

My websites are all custom made for the customer with custom components that work well for their needs. I made my software SoulMS as an easy way for the customer to create content for their site without having to contact me to make a custom news article for them. This software is extremely scalable and in my opinion; modern and easy to use.

Instead of global components and code for each website. Where every site shares the same codebase. There is custom code for each back-end to each site depending on the needs of the customer. Making websites unique and more personal. My goal is to make a customer's site an extension of their business and not just something that users can find them with.

I’ve worked with javascript (the most powerful language for website development) for 7 years. In those 7 years I’ve learned how to create Mobile Applications, Desktop Applications, Web Applications, and Server Applications using only Javascript. Making it easy for me to quickly create any application that can be used and transferred from website to desktop, or even mobile.

I continue to keep up with the latest trends for development, and strive to have the best product around. Though I have very few customers, I’m building, learning, and creating more for the customer.

I have years of design experience as well as a certificate in UX design. I want every site to be clean, clear, and easy to maneuver. This, in opinion, can’t happen with a drag and drop system. Even though it may be cheaper for those services. You get what you pay for. A custom site feels, looks, and tells your story much more than a “do it yourself” site.

I’m looking for the future in hopes to create amazing sites for the community that’ll last a lifetime. Scale those sites to be more efficient for the customer in their needs, and bring their online customer base to a whole new level.

Thank You

- Joey Lawson